3 thoughts on “New for August 2017”

  1. Just finished reading your notes. Very well done, clear, concise and true. Without scaring people, you tell the other side of the story. We DO have to follow our gut -feelings and don’t believe everything just because a doctor said it. Hope things turn around. Thank you for getting the word out.

  2. I appreciate this web site very much. I started 80 mg. of statins the day after I had a widow-maker heart attack in April 2014. I was 65 years old. My cholesterol and other labs were excellent prior to the heart attack. My muscle pains were very severe as soon as May. The cardiologists insisted there was no connection to my medications causing my symptoms. I got very sick – and have not recovered. I took myself off of the statins September, 2014 – after doing research on the internet. I have myopathy, skeletal issues,
    (Severe DDD) and neurological symptoms. I have denerated/aged very fast. I believe some day – the truth about statins will come out.

  3. Thank you for sharing your story in such a thorough and clear manner. I found the link to your website at statinvictims.com. I hope that you have had some improvement since the original post. I plan on returning with some additional comments.

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